Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Thermohygrometers


Transmitters of temperature, humidity and differential pressesure: of big precision and reliability

Picture of Transmitters of temperature, humidity and differential pressesure
Instruments Testo S.A. enters in the market a range of products that measure the air conditioning of a building with big precision and reliability. Thanks to some exact measurements can adjust óptimamente the system of ventilation and air conditioned obtaining like this, a high saving in operative costs.

With the transmitters testo 6920 for temperature, testo 6621 for humidity and temperature and testo 6321 for differential pressesure, the essential parameters to determine the conditions acclimatise measure of form very precise.

The transmitters testo deliver smart for his use. The following functions are available road the external connector and the software P2To stops PC: parametrisation of unit and escalado, adjust of the sensors (1 point, 2 points), adjust of the analog exits and register of the historical of parametrisations, adjust and processes realizar with the software P2To in the PC.

By means of an external connector,like this avoids open the transmitter,and a specific adapter, with the instruments of the class Reference testo 400 or testo 650 and some simple steps in his menus of operation can adjust the transmitter. Like this, this always is smart for precise and reliable measurements, reducing consistently the operative costs and of maintenance.

The transmitters testo are adapted for the monitoring of the air conditioning in buildings, for example in industrial and commercial real estate (rooms of production, warehouses), buildings of offices and administrations; outlets and pavilions of fairs; museums and libraries; and schools, hotels or medical centres.