Bondioli y Pavesi Ibérica, S.A. - Spare parts for tractors

Bondioli & Pavesi Global G5

Transmissions homocinéticas: engrasadores Ranged or next

Picture of Transmissions homocinéticas
The knots homocinéticos of the Global transmissions are protected by an only protection according to the most recent developments of the norms of international hygiene and is projected to integrate with the system of protection of the tractor according to the norm ISO500, 86/297/CEE and ASAE S203.13.

The faja of protection is joined to the rigid cone and to the ring of support of the standard protection. Another ring of support is positioned on the central body of the knot homocinético and a metallic ring gives rigidity to the extreme of the faja.

The grease of the Global transmissions is studied to be the simplest and fast possible. The engrasadores are ranged or next, so that the user can range the orifices of the protection with the engrasadores and effect easily the lubricación of all the components.

At present the transmissions homocinéticas of the series 100 were available in the dimensions 2 (21 CV), 4 (35 CV), 6 (64 CV) and 8 (95 CV), existed therefore an important empty between the transmission 4 and 6, that now is covered by the new Global transmission G5 (47 CV).