Promoción de Inversores de Trabajos Agrícolas - Pita, S.L. - Other implements

Horsch Tiger AS

Team combined for laborear: it attains a mix homogénea of stubble and earth

Picture of Team combined for laborear
The plough Horsch Tiger ACE, commercialised by Promotion of investors of agricultural works - Pita, is conceived for laborear the floor intensivamente to a depth of between 10 and 35 cm. This model mixes high quantities of straw (more than 1.000 t) by what does not constitute any problem to realise a work of seed homogéneo. A lot of narrow grilles break the floor and avoid the dangerous laboreo of the floor. Thanks to his variability in the depth of work, the model Tiger accommodates to the conditions of the floor and, depending on the exigencias goes mixing and compacting the stubble. The big desahogo by the height of the picture (85 cm of distance between teeth like minimum) guarantees a work continued and free of atascos, also under difficult conditions. The adjustable disks level the terrain tie that they happen the wheels compactors. The wheels, of big dimensions (78 cm of diameter), presionan the floor, leaving it again grooved, and favour the back consolidation.

Other tools as, for example, the compactador between axles favour the desmenuzamiento of the terrain and achieve an optimum bed of seed, with some good conditions for the shoot.

Through the picture mounted of four beams, achieves a narrow distance between lines (20 cm) and a big height of past (85 cm of height of picture and 80 cm of distance between teeth).