AG-Group, S.L. - Rollers

Fae Serie SS

Soil stabilizers: for the realization of underlayments for roads

Picture of Soil stabilizers
Models Soil Stabilizers (SS) are stabilizers/recyclers of roads for the realization of underlayments for roads, highways, airports, bicycle and pedestrian areas for industrial use, foundations of railway and other lines.

Due to the low speed of rotation of the rotor and consequently to the senior pairs at stake, the power transmission is ensured by two gearboxes of parallel axes set to rotor and fixed to the frame. Thus, they reduce to a minimum overall dimensions.

The particular form of the blades and their distribution allow to prepare the ground in a uniform manner, stirring at a depth hitherto not achieved by machines of this type. Best results are obtained by coupling machine to tractors of medium power with superlentas marches.