Promoción de Inversores de Trabajos Agrícolas - Pita, S.L. - Pneumatic cultivators

Horsch Pronto RX

Sembradora: of big capacity

Picture of Sembradora
The Prompt RX of Horsch, company commercialised by Pita, S.L., it is a machine sembradora of easy and big traction capacity. Even with upper speeds to 12 km/h deposits the seed exactly to the depth wished of seeds.

All the operations of work, even tighten the seed with a closing of the perfect floor, realise of an alone past. A system of distribution of weight is responsible to load sufficiently the compactador and the grilles of seeds.

The Prompt RX has of a compactador Rollflex. The elements compactadores tighten the floor in shape of lines in front of each grille of seeds. Besides, the grille TurboDisc, of easy drag and entirely free of maintenance, places the seed of precise form in the lane of the seed with a high precision of grille (until 50 kg/grille).

By his part, the DrillManager controls and watches all adjust them.

Prompt RX has a tank of seed of big volume, until 1.000 l, what increases notably the capacity of seeds with some very reduced times of filled up and transport. It is available in widths of work of 3, 4, 8, 9 and 12 m.