Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Floor scales

Scale of mobile floor: with platform of steel in shape of Or

Picture of Scale of mobile floor
The scale of mobile floor possesses a structure with platform of steel in shape of Or with capacity of load of until 5.000 kg. His form in Or allows to the operario weigh pallets placing the transpaleta or apilador in the centre of the scale.

Doing descend the load this situates on of the scale. They do not need rampas neither foso to use the scale. Thanks to his roast central and to the two wheels situated in the extremes of the Or the scale can be transported by the operario to any point of the factory or workshop, or simply to be saved. It has of four cells of weighing distributed near of the four corners of the platform. It possesses signpost indicator with carcasa of stainless steel.
