Iberfluid Instruments, S.A. - Probes, sensors, switches and level transmitters


Radar for measure of level: for fuselages

Picture of Radar for measure of level
Complete range of systems of measurement by radar in tanks for fluvial fuselages and for fuselages cisterna marine.

•We cover all the applications of fuselages cisternas (quimiqueros, asfalteros, fuselages cisterna of products and barcazas).

•With several thousands of units of the radar in operation, offer the technology but reliable for each application specifies, fulfilling with the last marine regulations.

•Technology of flat antenna based in microprocessor.

•Measure of pressesure IG integrated cheese cheese.

•Precision ± 1 mm.

•Rank of 0,6 to 42 m.

•Protocol: Modbus (RTU).

•Approved by the majority of the Societies Clasificadoras Marine.

For applications in: Marina.