Talleres Corbins, S.L. - Pruning compressors

Pruning compressesors: of pneumatics type

Picture of Pruning compressesors
Workshops Corbins has of one of the most miscellaneous ranges and extensive of pruning compressesors pneumatics existent in the market. The series Alpha and Atlantis, joined up to the three points of the tractor, are composed of a compact and robust chassis and exist different models of heads compresoras, according to the exigencias of utilisation.

The Prime series and Magnum, of big calderín, have of an accumulator of air to 15 bar, what allows to work with the tractor stopped during hours, have of models suspended or towed of 300, 600 or 1.000 l. The series Greenline, type carretilla (motocompresores) and with engine of petrol of four times, of full autonomy, does not require of any tractor and, for zones of difficult access, are available the self-propelled models that allow to access to any area with the minimum effort.

The range complete with the motocompresores industrial with pressesure vessels of 25, 50 or 100 l, for all the pneumatics needs demanded.

Besides it has big quantity of scissors and accessories for works of poda and diverse gardening.