Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Volume measurement systems

Portico or ménsula compact: to measure high, width and long

Picture of Portico or ménsula compact
The sensor compact laser (Autosense II) issues 2 do of rays: a do vertical and another bent 10° to forward in contrary sense to the circulation of the vehicle. Each do visit, to very high speed, an angle of 30°, from -15° to +15° of the vertical, of 1° in 1° (that is to say, the resolution in the angular sense is of 1/30°).

What does really the sensor laser is to measure the distance from his focus of broadcast until the point in which the ray laser issued rebounds. In function of these data the sensor calculates the 3 dimensions of the vehicle. The resolution of each one of the measures is of 7,5 cm.

The height of the vehicle measures in the half point of the do. The width measures in function of the abertura of the angle of scanning, by what sometimes can produce zones of “shadow”. The long measures in base to the speed of the front of the vehicle when it happens under the sensor.