Renolit Ibérica, S.A. (Alkorplan) - Sheet waterproofing


Plate impermeabilizante armed: it is permeable to the steam of water and flexible

Picture of Plate impermeabilizante armed
The mark AlkorPlan, commercialised/commercialized by Renolit Iberian, offers to his customers a thermoplastic membrane impermeabilizante armed to base of PVC-P monómerico. The membranes are essentially allocated to the flat covers but use also for the realisation/realization of covers abovedadas or bent by his aesthetic qualities. They apply especially type of admissible support for new works or of rehabilitation.%Main wings advantages of AlkorPlan are: competitiveness: savings on the put in work, since an alone roll of 30 m² substitutes to 6 (2 x 3) bituminous rolls in bicapa traditional; it supposes savings on the structure: the estanqueidad is 5 lighter times that the solutions multicapas traditional; and they allow savings on the maintenance: it consists in general in an ocular inspection. ?Or, it offers security in protection of fire: reaction to the fire until M2 in France; reaction to the fire until To2 in Belgium; resistance to the external fire until T30/1; resistance to the external fire until ENV 1187/1/2/3. They are plates autoextinguibles JOINS 104305 and join without using the flame.%aProporcionan Uniformity of the cover thanks to the discretion of the coatings. It distributes in a wide range of colours/colors. Adaptability to the structures of covers of all type of forms.%aSon Permeable to the steam of water, flexible and include cycles of deformation.%Wing hope of life certified by the BBA (British Board of Agreement) upper to 30 years.