Promoción de Inversores de Trabajos Agrícolas - Pita, S.L. - Leaf strippers

Ero Profi Line

Leaf strippers: with rollers deshojadores for a deshojado effective and soft

Picture of Leaf strippers
The deshojadora Ero is instrumented with two rollers that turn in opposite steering. These take the leaves with softness and start them. One of the rollers has radial slots and is endowed with a patented cleansing rake that avoids that the slots of the rollers obstruct . The grapes are not abused in the deshojado and therefore it can use this machine from the period of flowering until the vintage. The machine is robust and needs little maintenance. The cabezal deshojador is manufactured in aluminium what does it very light and easy to clean because it can open only moving an alone mango.

Equipment of series:

-Rollers deshojadores for a deshojado effective and very soft.

- Suspension of paralelogramo.

- Protection against impacts for both steerings of work with an automatic return.

- The carcasa frontal that is in contact with the espaldera is manufactured in stainless steel.

- Easy to clean with only open the frontal part of the carcasa.

- It adjust manual of the angle for the deshojadora.

- Cabezal Reinforced for distances between rows from 2,10 m.