Hosokawa Solids, S.L. - Engineers - processing plants

solids system-technik

Installations for the handle of solids to granel

Picture of Installations for the handle of solids to granel
Solid system-technik, founded in 1969, devotes from his starts to the realisation of installations for the handle of solids to granel, being his main differential competitions:

· Silos entirely instrumented

· pneumatics Transport of high exigencia technical: low break of product, minimum wear, energetic efficiency, products of fine of very low density, etc.

· Dosage and heavy fine, with high requests of precision.

· Integral automation of process, with intuitive interfaces for the visualisation and complete gestión of the process, that guarantees an exhaustive trazabilidad of the product and the gestión of the formulas of manufacture as well as the connectivity with a high variety of devices.

His installations have like aim achieve a greater productivity and hygiene in the industrial processes through specific solutions adjusted to the needs of the customers.