Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Thermometers


Folding thermometers: for the precise measurement of the temperature of the foods

Picture of Folding thermometers
The folding thermometers testo 103 and 104 measure of fast and reliable form the temperature of the foods. They are robust, hygienic and extremely simple to use, what turns them into ideals for his use in the departments of quality and production of the alimentary sector.

Both instruments set up when opening the probe in an upper angle to 30°, and after the so alone measurement it is necessary to fold the probe to turn off them. His size allows to save them in any pocket of shirt or trousers. The thermometers testo 103 and 104 fulfil with the rules of the APPCC, the IN 13485 and the ITC 3701/2006.

The thin probe of the testo 103 turns it into the ideal thermometer for fast and punctual measurements, with the addition that his size and his weight are the most adapted for a portable instrument.

His box manufactured in ABS white clean with ease to ensure that all the measurements realizar of form totally hygienic

Thanks to his class of protection IP65, the folding thermometer testo 104 can wash under the tap and use in any situation. His robust metallic hinge and his long and resistant probe of penetration turn it into the ideal thermometer for the measurement of temperature in the interior of big foods and solids like pieces of meat or cheeses.

The instrument issues automatically an acoustic signal when it finds a stable value (function “Car-Hold”); this function makes possible the obtaining of the most precise results. The highest values or lower measured can memorise anytime (function of memora for mín/máx.). The big visualizador retroiluminado allows the reading of the values of fast and easy form. By ultimo, the thermometer supplies with ones throw of adhesive colours that can use to assign the instrument to a department or a person in concrete of the company.