AG-Group, S.L. - Stone crushers

Serie Road

Estabilizadoras And stone crushers: for the maintenance and the construction of ways of earth, forestry tracks, etc

Picture of Estabilizadoras And stone crushers

Thanks to his high level of precision and of quality, the stone crushers and the estabilizadoras of Fae Italy allow to work of optimum and safe way to the companies devoted to the works viales.

The stone crushers (with the models STC/R 150-175-200 for tractors with powers between 100 and 200 CV; and STCH/R 200-225-250 and STCH/R SD 200-225-250 for tractors between 180 and 280 CV) are indicated for the maintenance and the construction of ways of earth, forestry tracks and tracks of ski. They are especially solid thanks to the employment of steels extremely strong and resistant to the wear and are able of triturar stones of any type and of big dimensions.

For the creation of foundations for roads, motorways, airports, esplanades for industrial use, rail lines and other works of infrastructure, Fae offers the estabilizadoras of floor SSM 200-225-250 (for tractors with power comprised between 150 and 250 CV) and SSH 150-175-200-225-250 (for tractors from among 160 and 350 CV). These machines guarantee an optimum performance and a mix homogénea even in conditions especially difficult. The estabilizadoras joined up to the tractor are easy to handle, maniobrables and ergonomic and, thanks to all this, can work in places that of another way would result impassable (esplanades and industrial zones with kerbs and pozos of visit) or with little space to manoeuvre (like the margins of the roads or of the esplanades, inaccessible terrains, etc.).

For the restablecimiento and maintenance of ways of earth in the mountain, the ideal solution is the estabilizadora SSH. When the terrain does not have too many stones, the SSH can effect an alone past and achieve stabilise the floor in less time. In addition to a good result by what refers to the mix, when it uses the Fae SSH achieve also a optimum provision, with a daily production of until 8.000 m2 and a finishing of big precision.