Car-Gar, S.L. - Hydraulic elevators and cranes

Elevators-sacadores: with cazos of collected and volteo

Picture of Elevators-sacadores
Elevators-sacadores with cazos of collected and volteo and a drawer with recogedor that come to facilitate the collected of agricultural products, especially in the collected of the vintage and of the olive grove.

Robust machines, manufactured with special topmasts for carretilla industrial of high provision and threads of exclusive rollers, that guarantee a perfect system of attachment and big durability of the components.

Manufactured for elevations of 2,5 and 3 metres of height, go instrumented according to models with one or two cylinders of elevation. Instrumented of series with distributor and latiguillos with plugs to the tractor.

Also they can be comandadas optionally by a kit electrical-selectora with control botonera and complete wiring or with kit electro-valves with joystick or box.

The cazos of collected manufactured in sheet lacada or in stainless, voltean the product hidráulicamente in the trailers, tubs or containers.

These cazos manufacture of series for capacities of: 600, 800, 1.100 and 1.350 litres and low request in other capacities and measures according to the needs of the agricultural exploitation.

The drawers with recogedor, manufacture to be collected by any type of shovel of the market and his attachment can be frontal or lateral, facilitating the freamers of collected of each plantation.

They have of door of hydraulics download and hydraulics leading gate; two hydraulics motors with mushroom-unemployed emergency of hygiene. Instrumented of series with kit electro-selectoras with wiring and control botonera in tractor.