HT Instruments, S.L. - Multimeters (frequency, resistance, power meters …)

HT Instruments HT701 TRMS

Digital multimeter: with measurer of isolation until 1.000 V

Picture of Digital multimeter
The HT701, of HT Instruments, is a professional multimeter in TRMS able to realise the following measures: tension CC, tension CA TRMS, current CC, current CA TMRS, med. Isolation with tension of proof 50,100, 250, 500, 1.000 VCC, resistance, proof of continuity, proof of diodes, capacities, frequency, temperature with probe type K, retention of reading ‘Dates HOLD', min / max / med, autorango/manual, relative measure, autotest for automatic recognition measure CA and CC, graphic bar, autoretroiluminación, internal memory, protection by fuses in entrances, autoapagado.

The HT701 is manufactured in accordance with the rule of hygiene IEC/IN61010-1 with protection of double isolation in CATIV 600 V. It is endowed of a visualizador LCD with graphic bar. It has of function autoapagado to preserve the life of the internal battery. Protected by fuses in case to realise a false manoeuvre.