Parcitank, S.A. - Fermenters and fermentation equipment


Deposits for wine: with possibility of shirt/s of refrigeration

Picture of Deposits for wine
Deposits for wine of fermentation and storage with flat base, manufactured in stainless steel Aisi-316 and Aisi-304, the mixed deposits has the external finishing in 2B, satinado or BA and the inner finishing in 2B, satinado or BA.

Inside the products includes a wide range of necessary accessories for his manipulation, filled and casting, levels, gates, valves, pipes, which install for the correct operation of the deposits.

The characteristics of the deposits are:

- conical upper Bottom of 17º with bordones concentric to give him rigidity and rebordeo perimetral to avoid alive edges in the union with the virola.

- Inferior bottom plane bent, with 3% or 5% of slope for the apurado of product, for bancada of concrete.

Inferior background types plane bent:

- Solapado to line with the virola.

- With faldón for bancada “type cheese”

- With metallic inner structure of support

standard Accessories in stainless steel:

- Mouth of upper man.

- Valve of aeration.

- Hooks for load and download.

- Plate of identification.

- Rule of level graduated.

- Tap of level sacamuestras.

- Tap sacamuestras

- Cazoleta of apurado.

- Valve of butterfly of entrance/gone out of product

- Valve of butterfly of apurado of product

- Mouth of oval inferior man

Accessories in stainless steel opocionales:

- Thermometers (bimetálicos or digital).

- System of cleaning.

- Valves of sphere.

- Caps for the valves

- Roasts of support for entrance to inferior mouth.

- Elbow decanter.

- Agitador For homogenisation.

- Support for runway.

- Connection for entrance of nitrogen

- Valve of P.V.C for inertización.