Serrat Trituradoras, S.L. - Offset mulchers

Serrat Trigon T 2000

Crusher of horizontal axis and of hammers: to delete grass and branches of until 6 cm of diameter

Picture of Crusher of horizontal axis and of hammers
The Trigon T 2000 of Serrat Crushers is a crusher of horizontal axis and hammers of series contrived for the elimination of grass and branches of until 6 cm of diameter in plantations, maintenance of the same and uses in gardening, as well as for the maintenance of parks and gardens.

It treats of a crusher of a compact and robust construction, of good results in industrial gardening and maintenance of edges and arcenes.

The diameter of the rotor is of 420 mm and offers a width of work of 2 m. Thought to work with tractors of minimum power of 70 CV for taking of strength of 540 or 1000 rpm (to choose by the customer), this machine can configure with three types of stick: it stick for vineyard (fixed), whose configuration is centred to the volume, for crops between lines to an alone past; scrollable, with stick tripuntal in paralelogramo and with three arms of attachment, that guarantee the nonexistence of holguras and, also, the long length, and reversible scrollable, configured for accionarse with reversible tractors or in frontal of a portaaperos. It is scrollable by means of bars with casquillos of nylon.

The Trigon T 2000, as any another model of the range of Serrat Crushers, is manufactured in sheet antidesgaste, of 10 mm of thickness, and has a roller regulable in height and retenedor rear. The transmission is lateral and by belts 3C.

The 16 hammers that incorporates are endowed of a greater neck, an upper weight. This provides greater inertia of the rotor and less exigencia to the power of the tractor, in addition to ensuring greater fortress in the impact against rests of poda.

All the crushers of the range Trigon incorporate a scraper of grass to give off that that remains adhered to the roller by the humidity and avoid so it can cause difficulties in the system of control of the machine. It incorporates also double rolling in rear roller.

Other characteristics to stand out are the double rolling in rear roller, threads of double rotor hilera of oscillating rollers and free wheel in the group of series.

As any another crusher Serrat, the machine has been built following the normative CE and with the indicators of visible hygiene to the personnel.

The crusher manufactures in 7 models with widths of work from among 1 and 2,5 m. The Trigon T 2000, in concrete, is endowed of a width of work of 2.000 mm, with 16 hammers and 650 kg of weight. The height of this crusher is of 815 mm, the width is of 1.360 mm and the length of 2.160 mm.

Optionally, can instrument with free wheel in the sleeve, that absorbs the inertia of the rotor when the taking of strength of the tractor is stopped, and with leading chains, Indispensable in terrains very rocky.