AG-Group, S.L. - Mixers-mounted

Strautmann Verti-Mix

Car mezclador of think: with two contracuchillas regulables manually

Picture of Car mezclador of think
Scientific investigations in different countries have showed that the dairy productivity increases notably with the utilisation of trucks mezcladores of think with sinfines mezcladores horizontal and vertical. Mixing the different components of think to achieve a TMR (total mixed ration), the animals no longer can select the food and , with each snack, obtain a think homogéneamente compound.

All the models Verti-Mix of Strautmann, can instrument with a strip of download of PVC in the leading or rear part. If it wishes , in the tank of mix can mount a hopper of filled of think mineral, facilitating the filled of lower quantities of think. To process round whole bales or rectangular recommends instrument the Verti-Mix with a ring antidesbordamiento. East prevents that, when undoing the bales, the think go out by the edge of the tank. The machine comes instrumented of series with two contracuchillas regulables manually, that make possible the desmenuzamiento of whole bales. Each one of the functions can operate optionally through direct connection from the tractor trucks vehicle. The handle also can realise by manual crowbar, wire type Bowden or by control electrohidráulico.

Each one of the six models Verti-Mix come instrumented of series with hydraulics brakes that they can accionarse from the tractor through the valve of control of simple effect. The accionamiento of the sinfín takes place through an angular gear extraordinarily robust with reductor planetary.

The same of important is the device of heavy. Only determining of exact form the quantities of each component of the think can take advantage of entirely the profitability of the car Verti-Mix. Thus they offer different models: device of heavy with mechanism sumador to determine the quantities of simple form; device of heavy programmable with option by heart for several recipes; and programmable device with option by heart for several recipes and exchange of data with PC.