AG-Group, S.L. - Other picking equipment

Zaffrani 600

Bar pick up: for the collection of all products placed in a row

Picture of Bar pick up
The bars pick up Zaffrani, according to CE standards, allow the collection of all products placed in rows (for example seeds of alfalfa, clover, peas, beans, chickpeas, chard, lettuce, radish, onion, chicory, carob, lentils).

The collection in the field, the cut product and rows, is made possible thanks to the double torsion steel springs installed in special rubber sheeting, studied to guarantee the total collection only product leaving field stones and other harmful bodies for the machine.

Qualified roller introduces the canvas to the conveyor roller product, on which are special retractable fingers that guarantee a constant and uniform power of the segadora-trilladora.

Directly from the driving position of the segadora-trilladora, the operator through a hydraulic control, it can intervene in the drive of revolutions of the band pickup, thus regulating the speed and thus the product flow.