Joskin, S.A. - Accessories and spare parts for agricultural machinery

Joskin Telecover

Awning oscillate-enrollante teledirigido: it does not have to disassemble or displace when acciona the rear door

Picture of Awning oscillate-enrollante teledirigido
In a period in which the size of the agricultural exploitations goes back increasingly increasing, in which the installations of biogás obtain performances increasingly big and especially in which the distances of the matters do increasingly long, is very important to ensure the protection of the harvest, with such to avoid any incident in the public road (with the loss of the elements transported). In some European countries, the law already foresees a marquee of all the matters transported.

The new device of marquee patented and teledirigido ‘Telecover' of Joleather was cream from this problematic. This device is available for all the volumes of box of ensilaje Silo-Space. On the contrary of the devices of manual coating and of the awnings enrollantes, this system presents the following advantages: no longer it needs go down of the tractor, avoids the work in height, does not need clean the street, and does not lose time. In summary, a saving of time and therefore an increase in the profitability of the works.

In general lines, the mechanism composes of a combination goes in oscillating arms, hidromotor, awning and resorte of return. His particular characteristic resides in the fact that it does not have to disassemble or displace when acciona the rear door. Besides the Telecover is provisto of captores that avoid that two organs of the box of ensilaje work the one against the another. During the download, the arm of rear articulation gives off of the group and puts in vertical position, what allows to the hydraulics door open without any problem.

The Telecover allows however a load that projects until 60 cm the edge of the machine. Thanks to the function ‘tension of network', the awning adapts of optimum way to the height of load, without sobretensión neither bajotensión, what reduces of remarkable form the influence of the wind. During the trip the awning rolls up lateralmente and situates without obstruction in the lines of escape of the box of ensilaje.

Some use it like deflector to facilitate the load, avoiding any loss of matter further of the montos lateral.