Promoción de Inversores de Trabajos Agrícolas - Pita, S.L. - Other implements

Horsch TerraGrip

Arm for laboreo of the floor: it guides the grilles to the depth of work wished

Picture of Arm for laboreo of the floor
The robust arm TerraGrip, that commercialises Promotion of Investors of Agricultural Works (PITA), commissions , in all the devices of laboreo of the floor of Horsch, to guide the grilles constantly in the depth of work wished. Also it allows to mix uniformly the wastes of the harvest and avoids of this way that form fields of straw.

The arm has points of twist of big dimensions without suction adapters of grease and does not need maintenance. The safe of effective stones allows esquivar quickly the arm in case of overload and, by the strength of the dock, goes back to go in quickly and with accuracy in the floor.