Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Testing equipment

Testo 550

Analyser of refrigeration: more resistant for the demanding applications in systems of refrigeration and pumps of heat

Picture of Analyser of refrigeration
The time employed by the operarios is very important, especially during the works of maintenance and the repairs, but also during the set up of the systems. The analyser of refrigeration of Instruments Testo is a fast measurer, effective and economic.

This measurer stands out by his fast measurement of the pressesure of aspiration and download and the simultaneous calculation of the temperature, by his wide visualizador with lighting that facilitates the reading of all the values of measurement, and by the 30 refrigerantes stored in selectable memory anytime with so alone presses a key, in addition to another very interesting provision for the operario of refrigeration. The instrument has two entrances of temperature to calculate and visualise simultaneously the recalentamiento and the subenfriamiento. In the equipment of the analyser includes a probe of pinza to measure the temperature in pipes.

Thanks to that the Testo 550 informs to the operario of the empty reached when evacuating a system, besides, with this instrument can effect a test of estanqueidad with compensation of temperature: measuring the pressesure of the system and the temperature acclimatise during a period of clear-cut time, the operario can determine the estanqueidad of the system, what allows to effect the set up of the most reliable form.