Iberfluid Instruments, S.A. - Power measuring (load cells, strain gage, etc)

GM International D1063S

Aislador Galvanic for cells of load: hygiene in systems of weighing

Picture of Aislador Galvanic for cells of load
GM International, represented by Iberfluid Instruments, S.A., has developed the module D1063S of intrinsic hygiene for equipment of weighing based in cells of load for dangerous areas.

It is an aislador galvanic of hygiene that avoids to use barriers zener. The D1063S comports like a repetidor of signal of precision, without generating an exit of 4-20 mA. The system offers integrated cheese cheese in the same unit 6 corresponding channels to the pairs of signals; excitation, signal and sense. When connecting the cells of load and the great box in dangerous area with the instrument of weighing in safe area, the D1063S also situates in the safe area, so that it comports of transparent form but isolating galvánicamente the circuits.

They can connect in parallel until 4 cells of 350 W, 6 of 450 W or 12 of 1.000 W.

The D1063S has of certificate ATEX like device associated II (1) G D (EEx ia) II C, to use it so much in applications of gases as of dust.