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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La nueva normativa eólica de Canarias no logrará atraer inversión, según la AEE

The new wind rule of Canaries will not attain to attract investment, according to the AEE


16 April 2014

The Government has launched a proposal of Ministerial order for incentivar new wind and photovoltaic installations in the electrical systems extrapeninsulares with the end that “the replacement of conventional generation by renewable generation suppose reductions of the extracoste of generation […] and favour the balance between the income and costs of the electrical system”, as it prays in the preamble of the norm. The Wind Business Association (AEE) considers that it does not go to attain the aim to attract new investments because of the high degree of juridical inhygiene that has installed in Spain like consequence of the retroactividad of the Energetic Reform.

“The extracoste of generation in the no peninsular systems has increased 38% from the year 2009”, indicates the proposal of order, since “the electrical demand covers mostly with thermal sensors technologies of origin fossil”. In 2013, before the Energetic Reform, produce a MWh wind in Canaries cost 81,25 euros in front of the 186 euros that costs with fuels fossils.

The new order establishes a diet retributivo specific for the systems extrapeninsulares that will award by means of auctions. And it does an exception for a contingent of 450 MW wind (corresponding to the projects with processing more advanced) for Canaries whose reward to the investment will not be awarded by means of auction but of direct form, as to date. To the value of the reward to the investment will add him an incentive by reduction of costs of generation.

But independently of the quantity that will award (that it oscillates between the 64,81 €/MWh of the Gomera and the 86,96 €/MWh of Tenerife), the problem is that the investors do not go to have guarantees that this go to respect. The new state regulation on renewable –that delivers between the Royal decree-Law 9/2013, the Law 24/2013 and the proposal of royal decree on renewable– establishes that each three years will review the reward to the investment in base to the prices of the market and each six years will be able to review all the parameters retributivos, including the supposed reasonable profitability. That is to say, that the investors do not have guarantees for all the life regulatoria of the projects, that is of 20 years.

The rule for the systems extrapeninsulares supposes in himself same an enormous contradiction: while it pretends “to speed up the introduction of wind power in the Canarian system” by the before exposed reasons of reduction of costs, ignores that the already installed parks generate the same profits, and applies them a change of equal retroactive diet that to the rest of installations of Spain. Taking into account that the greater part of the Canarian wind installations are previous to 2005 and do not go to have right to perceive any type of incentive in what the royal decree of renewable was firm, goes to be difficult that the potential investors trust that it go to treat to the new parks of a distinct form during the necessary time for rentabilizar the investments.

In definite, does not result credible to try conciliate the regulation more regresiva dictated never for the wind in any country of the world with the attempt of incentivarla in a concrete territory of the country. The juridical inhygiene that has installed in Spain like consequence of the Energetic Reform turns it into impossible.

If the Government wants that it install more wind in the territories extrapeninsulares, has to give course backwards in the norms proposed for the sector to state level.

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