Biomasa Peninsular, S.A. - Biomass - Equipment, systems and engineering

Operation and maintenance of plants of treatment: it acts like head office of services, realising the tasks of coordination, human resources

Picture of Operation and maintenance of plants of treatment
Peninsular biomass is a Spanish group devoted to the treatment and recycled of organic, as well as to the production of Compost and solid biofuels and recovered. His aim is to cater an integral service, flexible and creative to recycle by-products and organic waste, spreading environingingmental information of quality by means of the education and environingingmental divulging.

The services cover all the stages of an integral management:

- Services of recycled and operation of plants of treatment.

- Production of compost and fertilisers organic.

- Production of solid biofuels and recovered.

- Construction of plants and supply of equipment.

- Technical services of Engineering, quality consultancy and environingingmental education.

The contracting and the services develop through the Regional Societies. The operative is more agile, fast and flexible thanks to the vicinity to the customers and centres of recycled.

Inside his services stand out:

- direct Application in agriculture

- Transport to Plants of Treatment

- Operation of Plants of Treatment (composting, dried, alcaline stabilisation, D. Anaerobic, etc...)

- Programs of sampling and analytical control of waste and floors and legal reports