Serrat Trituradoras, S.L. - Chippers -shredders

Serrat Biopack T-1800

Equipment for the collected of poda: for his aprovechamiento in back processes like biofuel

Picture of Equipment for the collected of poda
Biopack T-1800 of Serrat Crushers is a team designed for the collected of rests of poda in agriculture for his aprovechamiento in back processes like biofuel. This model integrates a big rotor of new generation ASS (Axial Side System), and his configuration without tow allows to take advantage of tow them existent in the exploitations, without need of back adaptations.

The machine, with a speed of work from among 1 and 5 km/h, is instrumented with hammers registered by casquillo or blades in And; chassis in sheet antidesgaste, with a thickness 8 mm; hydraulics feeder; nozzle orientable hydraulics; lanzadera with three heights of download; orientador of hydraulics nozzle, and a taking of strength of 540 or 1.000 rpm.

Biopack T-1800 is endowed of feeder of accionamiento hydraulics and lanzadera pneumatics of the rests, is apt for tow of until ten metres of length and three of height, and allows several configurations in the palates for distinct types of branches (hardness or granulometry).

The series Biopack manufactures in three models with widths of work from 1,5 until 2 metres. The model Biopack T-1800, in concrete, is designed for a field of work of 1800 mm, a minimum power of tractor 110 CV, with 16 hammers and 1.680 kilos of weight. The height of this crusher is of 2.300 mm, whereas the width is of 2.100 and the length of 1.700 mm.