Acciona Energía, S.A. - Wind turbines


Aerogeneradores: of diverse classes

Picture of Aerogeneradores

The main characteristics of the aerogenerador AW-1500 in his distinct models are the following:


- Double support of the main axis to reduce loads on the multiplicadora and prolong his useful life.

- Cimentación With double row of bolts, to guarantee a better transmission of the loads to the concrete.

- Main frame of smelting.

- Designed to bear the solicitaciones more demanding that have found in parks of complex orography situated in mountainous zones.


- Generation to 12.000 volts, to avoid losses and cost of the transformers.


- variable Speed with control of pitch hydraulics independent for each shovel, to minimise the loads, attract the maximum power and guarantee the control of the speed of twist of the rotor and the hygiene of the machine in operation.


- direct Access to the buje from the barquilla.

- Protection of the rotatory elements.

- Material antideslizantes inside and out of the barquilla

- acoustic and material Isolation antiinflamables

Operating capacity:

- Espaciosa barquilla of ergonomic design

Engineering advanced:

- Software of control for monitoring and intelligent automatic operation.

- Asynchronous generator of double feeding of IGBT's (PMW), that allows to improve the stability of voltage and frequency, supply reactive to the network when it was required and operate the factor of power in inductivo or capacitivo as it require .

- Calculation and optimum design of all the components so as to prolong the useful life of the turbine according to the expectations of the owner.


- Carcasa of aerodynamic design visualmente attractor trucks.

Available models:

The aerogenerador AW-1500 is available in classes I, II and III, with rotors between 70 and 82 metres of diameter and tubular towers of steel of 80 and 60 metres of height. Also in technology of towers of concrete of 80 m, certified for the class II, being foreseen the certification of this technology for 100 m of height of buje. Optionally it incorporates inner elevator.