Acciona Energía, S.A. - Wind turbines


Aerogenerador Of horizontal axis: of variable speed

Picture of Aerogenerador Of horizontal axis

The model AW-1500 of Acciona Power is an aerogenerador of horizontal axis, with three shovels to windward, of variable speed and nominal power of 1.500 kW, with a nominal tension of 12 kV. It is available for the electrical generation in frequencies of 50 or 60 Hz.

It has been certified by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) for a wide rank of types of wind, in accordance with the classification IEC: classes Ia, IIa and IIIb.

The rotor is available in three diameters, adapted for emplazamientos with diverse conditions of wind: 70 m (class IEC Ia), 77 m (class IEC IIa) and 82 m (class IEC IIIb). With heights of buje of 60, 71,5 and 80 and with tubular tower of steel. The twist is in time sense, with an inclination (tilt) of 5º regarding the vertical. The buje is in smelting nodular. It lodges the elements that compose the system of pitch. It has a hydraulics system of blockade of shovels in case of stop of emergency and is designed for a comfortable access to the interior of the buje.

In this model the shovels are manufactured in fibre of glass reinforced with polyester or resin epoxi and endowed of a superficial coating of protection. Available in three corresponding lengths to each diameter of rotor: 34,0, 37,3 and 40,0 m. Besides, they go instrumented with a system of pitch independent, that allows to vary the angle in passing of each shovel when turning on his longitudinal axis, what optimises the regulation of the power generated with high winds and elevates the hygiene of the system of braked aerodynamic.

Regarding the tower, is troncocónica tubular of steel, composed of three stretches, with designs specifically conceived for the different heights of buje (60, 71,5 and 80 m) and classes of wind.

The unit of control and power, based in the system Ingecon-W, monitors and controls all the critical functions of the aerogenerador, to optimise constantly his operation in all the rank of speeds of wind.

Optionally, it incorporates a system of grease automatic of the system of orientation, threads of the main axis, threads of the shovels and threads of the generator. Also, under request, can supply with a system of predictive maintenance with sensors in the multiplicadora, threads of the main axis and threads of the generator.