Murrelektronik Spain, S.L.U. - Socket outlets

Modlink MSDD

Frontal connector for electrical pictures: it avoids the need to open the cupboard of control

Picture of Frontal connector for electrical pictures

Modlink MSDD Of Murr is an interface of frontal signpost that allows to connect so many laptops like equipment of programming and diagnostic, modems, etc. to controllers PLC. With Modlink MSDD is not necessary to open the cupboard of control, by what this remains enclosed, operating in the class of protection demanded.

Besides, the mechanical closing of the Modlink MSDD allows to operate in humid environingingments and against the dust, whereas his metallic construction allows to use it in those places where the environingingments require it.

Modlink MSDD Offers the possibility to connect directly without need to access to the interior of the electrical picture. It is a global solution with specific connectors for each country and with a modular design that allows to have more than 4.000 combinations. These modular elements are engarzados easily in the freamers. The connectors of data by his part are enchufables by both side, avoiding weldings or any type of tool.