Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Losetas para suelos

Manhattan Egm 9.000

Interfaced PVC tile: invisible union guides

Picture of Interfaced PVC tile
Manufactured in PVC rubber floors will help improve the appearance of aged or worn out soils. They are especially designed for areas with intense traffic, since they are extremely resistant even to the passage of heavy vehicles. Its main feature lies in the system of invisible guides that completely disguised the union between tiles, and obscures any VISEL as in other models, the upper surface is available in three different patterns, either in circles, checker, or textured with a slight roughness surface. Offices can be used in many applications such as garages, corridors, areas of human traffic such as airports, bus stations, schools, hospitals, gyms, warehouses. Dirt can easily be removed either with a broom or a stream of water. This type of flooring is a durable and attractive solution for many applications. Available in several colours: black, red, blue, gray, green, white.