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Reynaers Aluminium: The synergy of the collaboration

Hans Ibelings26/07/2012
In the architecture all turn around the work in team, from the own design until the construction of a project. Although the credits of the design are used to attribute only to the people that give his name to the dispatch of architecture, the buildings does not build them an alone person. Consider to the architect like the only author and creator of a work is to ignore all the efforts of the other workers of the dispatch of architecture, as well as the contributions of all the other partners in the construction: promoters, engineers, consultores, designers of systems, contractors, manufacturers and installers.

The construction of a building is a perfect example of a collaboration between people with an approach and common passion and with a same aim. Aunar The experience of the distinct partners of construction to attain dreams that never believed imaginables, that is the true essence of TEAM... Together Everyone Achieving Dwell! (Together, all achieve more!) This vision also reflects in the new lemma of Reynaers Aluminium ‘Together for Better'


Skilled assistance

In Reynaers work consultores experts that advise to the architects during all the process of design. His wide knowledges on the products related, such as the glass, the last regulations and normative, as well as his experience in the industry, allows them help to the designers in his technical and budgetary decisions.

In the central offices in the Belgian place of Duffel, a complete team attendant of projects develops solutions to measure for unusual projects and of big envergadura. In the Reynaers Institute, a big centre of investigation, essays and learning of Reynaers Aluminium of two thousand eight hundred square metres, the engineers check the efficiency of walls curtains, doors and windows in a wide range of functionalities: from the protection antirrobo to the anticaídas; from the mechanical proofs and cíclicas to the resistance to the ultraviolet rays; from the estanqueidad to the water, the resistance to the load of the wind and the permeabilidad to the air until the acoustic isolation; from the climatological simulation for the study of the aging to the control of quality of the components of the systems of aluminium, such as together, enclosures and mechanisms of twist and slide.

Thanks to the realisation of proofs in the breast of the own company, Reynaers has accumulated a big quantity of technical and practical knowledges, that allow him have of an important leading in the finding of new solutions together with the designers and manufacturers and can, therefore, answer to the needs and requirements of the contractors and promoters.


In the Reynaers Institute realise some ciento forty essays to the year, all satisfied the European rules on quality, durability and reliability. The essays realise basing in the systems of usual certification, as well as in solutions to measure, designed specifically for projects of big envergadura.

This centre of essays expanded recently with a new installation for the development of proofs. The R-Cube giratorio has developed to realise analysis of last generation on the performance of walls curtain, doors and windows, allowing that the designers of products develop some solutions of aluminium for the most sustainable construction, confortables and energetically effective.

The R-Cube allows to expose the constructions to a combination of temperature, environingingmental pressesure, wind, humidity and distinct solar exhibition, so that the engineers of Reynaers can compare and evaluate different solutions for the solar protection, the natural ventilation, distinct types of glass and connections to the structure, in function of the distinct orientations of the building. Besides, it allows to study in detail the faã§ades of double leather and evaluate his level of confort and energetic performance.


The R-Cube has of a totally automatic controller that facilitates the realisation of cycles of temperature and programmable relative humidity, to be able to reproduce the wintry climatology or estival whenever it require .

Other technologies used in the R-Cube are a camera of infrared rays, to evaluate with precision the differences of temperature and can value the isolation, as well as an installation of essay Blower Door to identify the permeabilidad general to the air of an installed construction. The value Or general of the own R-Cube is 0,12 W/m²K (ranks of value Or between 0,08 W/m²K and 0,16 W/m²K), being able to consider, therefore, a passive house.

The Reynaers Institute also houses a centre of learning in which elaboradores and installers receive learning on the production and installation of standard systems, as well as of specific solutions. And in the centre of automation, offer demonstrations of the machines so that the partners can observe the existent options for his line of production.



In all the projects but, especially, in the most complex, the collaboration between architect, designer of systems, promoter and elaborador never is a linear process, in which the architect designs something, the producer realises it and the elaborador mounts it and installs, but the design is used to to see influenced by the knowledges of the designer of the system, the one who, to his time, takes into account the possibilities and limitations of the construction.


With this method of work, Reynaers distance of the division and specialisation of the work, that has been, from the 19th century, an increasing and common practice in a lot of sectors, included the one of the construction. Owing to this division of the work, the experience of a lot of architects limits , mainly, to the architectural design, at the expense of the knowledge on the technical and structural appearances of the discipline. The division and specialisation of the work has generated a greater increase of the efficiency and productivity, but also has hampered the research of integral solutions, that benefit to the maximum of the knowledges of all the parts. For Reynaers is very important to look further of the own horizon and, in this way, can help better to the designers in the research of the best possible solutions for faã§ades, doors and windows, that correspond with the design of the project and fulfil the rules and structural regulations. These norms and regulations differ of a country to the another, for example in the concerning the resistance to the fire and to the earthquakes. Besides, the customers are used to to wish a perfect façade with some greater requirements that the strictly necessary, for example, in question of resistance to the load of the wind.



The paper of Reynaers in these collaborations goes further that the mere supply of systems and, even, of the supply of solutions. Reynaers Is a partner for the other participants in the process. According to Patrick Go Damme, of the department of projects of the central offices in Duffel, Reynaers awards enormous priority to understand better or that concerns to the architects. The same is valid for the subjects that concern to the elaboradores, that are used to to be the direct customers of the company and that they are those that mount and install the systems of façade. In words of Patrick Go Damme: “it Is a process of throw and slackens, in which we try to find a solution that adjust to the budget and that do justice at the same time to the architectural concept, to the possibilities of the constructors and to the wishes of the customer. In this process participates also another important actor, the office of skilled engineering that, in collaboration with Reynaers, is able of “moldear technically” the wishes that the customer has of face to the façade”. This conjoint work benefits to Reynaers, since the solutions to measure finish for converting , sometimes, in new products of the range Reynaers. In this sense, the activities of the department of projects are closely related with the department of development of Reynaers, doing reality, in the breast of the own company, the idea of inherent synergy to the lemma ‘Together for Better'.

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Reynaers Aluminium, S.A.U.

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