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The sector pretends to improve the envolvente of the buildings

Veteco Encourages to build efficient buildings to reduce the energetic consumption

Mª Carmen Fernández29/11/2013

The past 26 November, Veteco organised a day in Fair of Madrid in which it analysed the efficient construction and the rehabilitation of the buildings with the aim to reduce the energetic consumption. Said day finds inside the previous events to the I International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation (Sicre). It had  the presence of Fernando García Young, boss of the Domestic Department and Buildings of the Idae, Pablo Martín, director of Asefave, and Raúl Alley, director of Veteco, among others.

Fernando García Young, boss of the Domestic Department and Buildings of the Idae, went the attendant to open the day and present the Program Pareer, the Program of Helps for the Energetic Rehabilitation of Buildings. The aims of this program are to promote the realisation of integral performances that favour the energetic saving, the improvement of the efficiency and the aprovechamiento of the energies.

Regarding the eligible costs, Fernando affirmed that they are those that are necessary to achieve the aims of the program, as for example the Certificate of Energetic Efficiency, the periodic inspection of energetic efficiency of the RITE, etc., or the investment in equipment. This norm is regulated by a diet of simple concurrence.



The helps that concede through the Program Pareer are twelve years old of time limit of amortización. The type of interest is of +0,0% and does fault a guarantee or an agreement of safe of caución by amount of 20% of the quantity of the loan like guarantees. The endowment of this program is of 125 million euros that will deliver between the thermal sensors, the biomass, the geotermia and the improvement of the installations.

The help can request through the web page of the Idae. Once that it identifies the applicant, has a term of 15 days to load the documents that ask in format pdf in the web. The subvention awards when the works have finalised, however the financials gives before, so that it can have of the money before beginning it.

Energetic efficiency in windows and Plan Renove

Pablo Martín, director of Asefave, went the attendant to give step to a matter oriented to how remains the manufacturer in the sector of enclosures and windows. In the first place, it spoke of the update of the Plan, in which they delete tables of forced fulfillment. From now it will demand to the building in his whole that fulfil some minimum requirements regarding consumption, and for this has to have certification.

In 2020 expect buildings of consumption of power almost invalid. “The aim is to diminish the energetic consumption and improve the energetic efficiency of the buildings by means of the envolvente of the building”, affirmed Pablo Martín.

To continuation, Fernando of the Valley, of the General Steering of Industry, Power and Mines of the Community of Madrid, exposed of way resumida the Plan Renove of the windows of PVC, the European rule and how affects to Spain. “The Technical Code of the Edificación will apply to interventions in the existent buildings. His fulfillment will justify in the project or in a memory, beside the application of licence or of administrative permission (or communication or responsible statement) for the works”, explained.


One of the basic requirements will be that the building have of an envolvente that limit properly the energetic demand with the aim that the energetic consumption was a lot of minor. Another of the basic requirements will be that the buildings have of installations of suitable lighting to the needs and at the same time effective energetically with a system of control (lit by occupation) and a system of regulation to take advantage of the natural sunlight.

Regarding the Plan Renove of windows of PVC, Fernando of the Valley affirmed that it is endowed with a budget of 2.062.500 euros, through the agreement subscribed between the Foundation of the Power of the Community of Madrid and Asoven (Association of manufacturers of PVC windows). It awards an incentive of 110 euros by each square metre of double acristalamiento of glass with thermal sensors isolation reinforced (ATR) limited to 25% of the eligible cost. The eligible cost will be formed only by the concepts of purchase of windows, including any additional element, and hand of necessary work for his installation and will be able to receive to the Plan all those replacements realizar from 1 February 2013 to 31 December 2013, as long as there are available bottoms.

Veteco Follows betting by the sustainability and the internationalisation

Raúl Alley, director of Veteco, began explaining the International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation, one of the events of more transcendence inside the sector, so much for the administration as for the products of enclosures and windows, since this type of events helps to dinamizar the market.

“Is an opportunity for incentivar the participation. We go to dress Madrid of ‘efficient rehabilitation', go to create routes to sell, no only the solutions, but also what wins with them. We have to do arrive the final message between all to win notoriety and presence”, affirmed Raúl Alley in relation to the actions that will carry out during this week. Besides, also it commented that they will do visits and routes by Madrid identifying, showing and putting in value, performances with the edificaciones, rehabilitations, sustainable and efficient interventions, that are the best example to show the opportunities.



“Veteco Is a commercial tool to the service of the sector. It contributes to dinamizar the sector, the demand and the commercial activity of the companies”, underlined. Alley explained that Veteco is a fair to measure of each participant in which it tries contact with the companies to locate his aims and needs and satisfy them. “We have programs of invited for each expositor, with travel paid and invitation to the stand of possible customers. Other tools are the boxes of learning and give, the workshops, have buses to attract to the customers to Veteco, have big campaigns of diffusion and communication, help with the design and setting of the stand, the advertising supports, etc. All this finds inside the package of participation”, commented Alley.

To finish stood out that one of the strategic axles that are carrying out from Veteco is the enlargement of profiles of his visitors. For this, has changed the date of celebration, that will take place of the 7 to 10 May 2014 not to occupy the whole of the weekend. “Sicre In general, and Veteco in particular, have the responsibility of dinamizar the demand, of down up, facilitate and incentivar to the maximum the visit of all these profiles of visitors, to contribute like this to dinamizar the commercial activity of the sector. Celebrate of Wednesday to Saturday allows to fulfil several aims, between which is to facilitate to autonomous and small companies the visit. On the other hand there is an interest by part of an important number of companies to allow the access to final user (controlled, with invitation, previous payment)”, concluded Raúl Alley.

The day finished with a dynamic round table in which it also could participate the public assistant, and in which they participated Fernando García Young, Pablo Martín, Fernando of the Valley, Ignacio Fernández Solla and Javier Bermejo. In general it stood out the need for improving the envolvente of the buildings in the future since nowadays the building has to be ‘very thought' so that it reduce to a large extent the consumption according to the current requirements.

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Veteco - IFEMA

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