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It employs the System EGO Batiente of Krona Koblenz

Residential building Azken Portu, an example of architecture no Orthodox

Editorial Interempresas13/11/2013

An envolvente of concrete realizar in situ, at all Orthodox and composed by different planes and volumes, is the base of the external design of the residential building Azken Portu that the study of architecture Designhouses has projected in the Basque Country. A singular dynamism that allows to create houses diáfanas, luminous and diverse. Inside them, the doors batientes EGO of Krona Koblenz, installed to 'rasomuro', adapt and mimetizan in the inner space resolved, in general, in white tones and grisáceos.

The compendio of works and projects that has carried out the study of architecture Designhouses in the last years has one of his best and more brilliant expressesions in the residential building Azken Portu, located in the municipality of Zizurkil (Guipúzcoa). The study has dumped in this project all the experience purchased on foot of work during years to configure a structure revestida of concrete, wood, glass and stone that stands out to a large extent by his spaces diáfanos and warm.

External of the residential building Azken Portu.Photo: Jordi White-haired

External of the residential building Azken Portu.Photo: Jordi White-haired.

The imponente building of expensive cement sight presents some at all Orthodox forms that convert each house in an only and personal place. Each vertex, each edge, each balcony and each window of the building are distinct. In fact, in all the residential group, there are not two equal houses. Inside each one of them, breathes a purity nítida in which they collaborate the doors abatibles with the System EGO of Krona Koblenz. Along the corridors of distribution, appear doors batientes that, without jambas neither tapetas, mimetizan with the wall giving continuity to the monochrome white of the house.

This singular building presents some at all Orthodox forms that convert each house in an only and personal place. Photo: Jordi White-haired...

This singular building presents some at all Orthodox forms that convert each house in an only and personal place. Photo: Jordi White-haired.

The elegance of the door EGO Batiente

The System EGO Batiente of Krona Koblenz, that has used in the residential building Azken Portu, is available for walls of revoke and of cardboard-plaster. It composes of a premarco realizar in aluminium and soldier in an only element to award solidity and structural rigidity. One of the faces of leaf of the door enrasa to the septum thanks to the unseen hinge Kubica K6200 of Krona Koblenz. This herraje has 5 pivote, regulates in three axles and allows an opening of until 180º. The door EGO Batiente can complete with elegant manillas, like the new Kuadra of Krona Koblenz with magnetic lock.

Interior of the residential building Azken Portu.Photo: Jordi White-haired
Interior of the residential building Azken Portu.Photo: Jordi White-haired.

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