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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at BigMat demuestra en Madrid su ‘voluntad’ de seguir creciendo
The Group expects to reach this year an increase in his profits of 12%

BigMat Shows in Madrid his ‘will' to keep growing

David Muñoz26/04/2013
The days 24 and 25 April the Madrid Sand has received a new edition of the BigMat Day, an only announcement in Spain that in addition to giving to know the last novelties launched to the market of the construction and to provide an interesting commercial platform, serves like forum of exchange of ideas on the situation and the challenges that present him to the sector. This meeting is organised annually by the Group BigMat, one of the head offices of purchase of materials more important of the world, which, in spite of the difficulties that crosses the market in Spain, keeps growing year after year, doing good like this the appointment of Albert Einstein mentioned by the president of BigMat in presses conference that signals that “there is a strength motriz more powerful that the steam, the electricity and the atomic power: the will”.
The BigMat Day went back to attract to an important number of providers of the Group
The BigMat Day went back to attract to an important number of providers of the Group.

The Group BigMat, as it ensured his president in Spain, Lorenzo of the Villa, achieved to close the 2012 with a growth of 8% in his profits, a percentage that expects to elevate until 12% in this 2013. How they explain these results in an economic context so difficult like which lives at present our country, especially the market of the construction? The maximum representative of BigMat attributes it to different factors, like the advantages that has provided to the Group the have opened logistical platforms (BigLog) as the one who has in Wave (Castellón) to cover the Spanish market. Thanks to these installations has achieved optimise the deliveries to the points of sale, has improved in competitiveness (saving of costs and reduction of the terms of delivery) and has attained reduce the necessary stocks in each one of the warehouses.

Lorenzo of the Villa, president of BigMat in Spain, during the presses conference
Lorenzo of the Villa, president of BigMat in Spain, during the presses conference.

To this it is necessary to add another key factor for the Group BigMat: the vicinity to his network of points of sale. As it confirms Lorenzo of the Villa exists a constant communication with the more than 170 partners and more than 260 points of sale that has delivered by all Spain, what allows him update ágilmente his catalogue to adjust to the new needs that appreciate in the market. This explains, for example, the growth that follow experiencing lines of product like the designated GreenMat formed by sustainable and respectful articles with the environingingment.

Of face to the future, from BigMat trusts keep in shape of growth that comes showing during these last years. For this his strategies go through a greater expansion of his network of warehouses, implanting in provinces in which it still does not have presence like Zamora, Valladolid or Palencia; by a potenciación of his web page, opening it to the e-commerce and employing it like card of presentation to usual users of Internet, as they can be the youngest; and by the aprovechamiento of the opportunities that offers the implement in the points of sale the nueve families of product that commercialises at present BigMat, some of which could have not been worked by some of these warehouses until his entrance in this network (ironingingmongery, gardening, brico-construction, etc.).

Participants in the presses conference of BigMat. Of left to right: Pedro Moreno, Francisco Moreno, Lorenzo of the Villa and Jesús Mª Prieto...

Participants in the presses conference of BigMat. Of left to right: Pedro Moreno, Francisco Moreno, Lorenzo of the Villa and Jesús Mª Prieto.

Besides, from the Group BigMat trusts a next stabilisation of the market of the construction in Spain that, as it manifested Lorenzo of the Villa, seems to be giving symptoms to “leave to fall”.

In any case, until it arrive this stabilisation, the president of BigMat requests to the Administration a greater support to the sector, with measures like the reduction of the VAT for performances like the reforms (at present in 21%) or new tax incentives for works of rehabilitation/reforms.

Did not want to close the presses conference the president of BigMat without before remember the internationalisation that has purchased this year his Prize of architecture, in which now also participate his centres of France, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Italy and Portugal. The prize will fail in Granada to finals of November.

BigMat Day 2013

After his go through different Spanish provinces during the last years, the BigMat Day went back this 2013 to Madrid, looking for with this the organisation facilitate to display units and visitors his assistance to this announcement. The Madrid Sand was during two days a platform of business and a forum of exchange of ideas related with the construction.

“The BigMat Day consolidates like a big opportunity for the assistants to prepare special campaigns, outline strategies, purchase knowledges of product, contact with distributors, exchange impressesions, know available technicians, learn new formulas of business of distribution of materials of construction, etc.”, signal from BigMat.

Area of demonstrations
Area of demonstrations.

In addition to this offer expositiva and to serve like platform of exchange of ideas, the BigMat Day 2013 has retold this year with a complete program of demonstrations in direct by part of marks recognised in the market. And all this reinforced by different activities lúdicas (animations, foods, cocktails, etc.) that favour the professional meetings.

I study ‘Tendencies BigMat 2013'

Coinciding with the BigMat Day, this signature elaborates a study designated ‘Tendencies' that collects the information the more than 260 points of sale that has in all Spain.

As it signalled Pedro Moreno, of BigMat, “although the sector of the construction crosses difficult moments, the reform lives a moment gilded ‘'. The Spanish does not pose change of house by the climate of uncertainty (between other reasons), by what decides to reform his house of all the life. Decoradores, interioristas, carpenters, bricklayers, etc. know very well that a good reform very scheduled and realised can have spectacular results. The final impressesion can be really the one to having changed of house, without varying the physical steering”.

From the structural punto, the Spaniards pose the reform with aesthetic intention, but the functionality commands. The new habits of life demand that a house was fundamentally comfortable in all the senses. Maximizar The metres and achieve that the spaces are multifuncionales are two of the aims to reach. In this sense the more youngsters do not have problem in joining spaces like canteen and kitchen or main bedroom and bathroom.

Visitors during the first day
Visitors during the first day.

The crisis has caused that a lot of neófitos in masonry and carpentry do of the bricolaje and the masonry a punctual activity, to save some euros. For this reason, the manufacturers design and present his products so that they are easily instalables and applicable, without that require obligatoriamente the presence of a professional (although we do not have to overlook that an amateur can not substitute the experience and the learning of a professional).

If to reform treats , two are the paramount constructive elements that can change radically the ‘look' of any house: floors and walls. In this case, the gotelé lost the battle in front of the smooth painting. The whites, beiges, grey and peaches follow being present, but is fashionable to give a touch of colour with strong presence in one of the walls. Decorative technicians like the stucco, the esponjado, the scattered or the craquelado are in heaves.

In the floor, demands them especially resistance and easy cleaning. The porcelánicos that reproduce natural stones follow valid. In the sizes, command the rectangular formats: 30x60, 60x60 and the traditional 45x45 no fashionable raisin. The eternal wood is irremplazable. This type of floors with the systems click of easy installation do that until the more inexperto can change easily the floor of his house. The wood that more sell are the oak, cerezo, and the tropical varieties like the wengué.

The idea of spa domestic has left to be heritage of the more pudientes, and already is possible to have a column of hidromasaje without having to spend a fortune. The Spanish consumer values this type of products that in addition to relax contribute to his welfare. The column of hidromasaje begins to be a classical of the bathroom reformed.

Madrid Sand, enclosure where has celebrated the Big Mat Day 2013
Madrid Sand, enclosure where has celebrated the Big Mat Day 2013.

The doors also have an important specific weight in the reform. For the environingingments minimalistas and vanguardistas the preferences bend by the doors lacadas in white. This type of door incorporates like only ornaments ranurados or discreet molduras. The chapeadas in natural wood like oak, cerezo or wengue with simple cuarterones are the first in the ranking of sales. In this chapter puts again of relief the importance that has the car installation, and the doors in format Block are the most sold for this reason. In relation with the maximisation of the above-mentioned space, the product crashes are the unseen sliding doors that do not require space for the opening. Although sometimes they result a bit more expensive, the consumer values the advantages that supposes to install a door of these characteristics.

Following with the carpentry, the Spaniards prefer the windows oscillate batientes and practicable (by his inferior degree of estanqueidad), with profiling of PVC white, foliadas in colour or imitating wood. This window has an excellent relation quality-price and high indexes of isolation. Regarding the glasses, the purchase orients to the acristalamientos of camera with gas Argon and glass under emisivo (reduce the transmission of the heat).

“The Spanish consumer bends also increasingly by the designated ecological or sustainable products. Like example see the success of the line of products GreenMat that includes paintings, pavings, insulating, termos, windows, etc. sustainable and respectful with the nature”, concluded Pedro Moreno.

WD-40 (Carlos Martín)

For WD-40, specialist in multipurpose products, the one of Madrid has been his first experience in a BigMat Day after the agreement reached does some months with this head office of shopping to turn into official provider. “We appreciate that this is an interesting formula to be in contact with the partners of BigMat, something that of another form could not do because of our structure. it is allowing Us Present them of direct form our concept, our range of products, the philosophy of our display units…, appearances that can be unknown for all those that were not familiarised up to now with the world of the ironingingmongery-bricolaje”, signals Carlos Martín, general director of WD-40 for Spain and Portugal.

For his première in the BigMat Day, WD-40 made a consistent special promotion in an expositor designed especially with the products that more sell in the actuality in this sector: multipurpose, toallitas cleansing, lubricantes of chain, superpenetrantes, fats…

Besides, to facilitate the entrance of these articles in all those warehouses that still are not habituados to them, WD-40 recessed in this meeting the minimum request.

From WD-40 has a lot of confidence in this relation with BigMat, especially by the bet that from the Group is doing to improve the presence of the ironingingmongery in his warehouses. In this sense goes to find in WD-40 an ally with which can offer in his points of sale a value added through tools of marketing, animations, education to the consumer…

Emac Complementos (José Luis Mañes and Lidia Clemente)

The Valencian company Emac Complementos is specialised in the manufacture of profiles and finish for pavings and coatings ceramic, as well as structural boards and boards of dilatation for big projects. It is one of the display units traditional of the BigMat Day, an initiative that from this company sees “interesting”, as it signals José Luis Mañes, boss of Sales of Emac Complementos, by the possibility that offers to gather in a same place with the majority of the partners of Big Mat, avoiding the costs that would suppose to go visiting them one to one in his respective installations. Besides, it offers a big occasion to be able to present them the last novelties in the range and to be able to devote them more time in the explanation of the advantages of his products.

In this edition of the BigMat Day, Emac Complementos no only has took advantage of to give to know his last launchings in ladders antideslizantes and in profiling vierteaguas, but also to inform to the assistants of the extension of range that goes to suppose the recent purchase of the Together company Covi. The catalogues of both companies have merged to offer to the national and international market the most complete range of solutions in structural boards. In Construmat 2013 already will be able to see the result of this union.

Rockwool (Josep Fauria and Fernando Faubell)

Rockwool, specialist in solutions of wool of rock, of Danish origin but with world-wide presence (included a factory in Navarra), is another of the display units that was present traditionally in the BigMat Day. The keys of this fidelity the resumía like this Josep Fauria, of the commercial department of Rockwool in Spain: “it Is a very interesting initiative because it allows us have direct relation with the partners and with the other providers of the Group BigMat. In two days have contact practically with all they. It is a different concept to other fairs where there is much more volume of visitors. Here it is everything much more filtered, with people very professional and interested in your products. The attention is more appreciated for all”.

For this edition of the BigMat Day, Rockwool presented to the assistants, as main novelties, a system of ceiling sándwich wooden (Rockwood) and an acoustic barrier Noistop. Besides, it showed a system SATE for external isolation developed jointly with Ecopiedra, that allows him deepen in the sector of the rehabilitation.

Cemex (Javier Strong Franco of Espes)

Javier Strong Franco of Espes, director of Marketing, Sustainability and Communication of Cemex, resumía in three the reasons that carried to Cemex to attend a year more to the BigMat Day. In the first place, by his own emplazamiento, Madrid. In second term by the strong bond that keeps this company with the warehouses BigMat of the zone center, with products like the grey cement. And finally, by the opportunity that opened him this fair to present his last launching, the Brico Cemex.

“One of the criticisms that has done traditionally to the fairs is that the return of the investment that realise is difficult to see. You do a lot of contacts but afterwards do not materialise them. Instead, the BigMat Day is a very practical fair, in which it remains clear that the important is to sell, with special offers for the occasion”, signals Javier Strong.

In this sense, seeing that the construction does not finish to trace back, Cemex presented in the BigMat Day a line of product especially headed to the rehabilitation. The Brico Cemex is conformed by cement (grey or white), mortar or adhesive for baldosas that comes in a practical domestic format of 3 kg. It is especially headed to repairs and small works of masonry. This container, reusable to do the mix, cleans easily, and includes an useful palette aplicadora.

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