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Batimat 2013 will celebrate jointly with the living rooms Interclima+Elec and Idéo bain

Paris will turn into November in the world-wide capital of the construction

David Muñoz28/02/2013
Of the 4 to 8 November 2013, will celebrate in Paris a new edition of Batimat, the greater International Living room of the Construction by size and by number of visitors. For the presentation of this contest in Madrid chose an incomparable frame, the one who provides the Embassy of France in Spain, whose maximum representative, the ambassador Jérome Bonnafont, participated in the speech of welcome.

With the intention to gather in a same space ferial all the jobs of the construction, Batimat great his offer expositiva to other two contests that will take place in the same dates of November in Paris: Interclima+Elec (skilled living room in climatic and electrical engineering for the construction) and Idéo bain (fair centred in the universe of the bathroom). Of this form configures an only evento in the world by his dimension and by his global representativeness of the construction and of the architecture, with more than 3.000 display units (2.200 of Batimat; 600 of Interclima+Elec; and 200 of Idéo bain) and some forecasts of 400.000 professional visitors (20% of them international).

Batimat 2013 wait receive to more than 400.000 professional visitors
Batimat 2013 wait receive to more than 400.000 professional visitors.

To be able to cover all this offer expositiva, and like another of the big novelties of this edition, Batimat has decided to change his traditional location in Carry of Versailles by the installations of the enclosure ferial of Paris Nord Villepinte, that will see covered all his surface expositora with the union of these three contests. As it aimed from the organisation of the fair Stéphanie Auxenfans, director of the division Construction in Reed Exhibitions France, is working besides in a logical sectorial distribution and coherent that facilitate the visit of the professionals.

All this with three aims in mind. In the first place, consolidate like an evento leader to international level, that do of Paris the world-wide capital of the construction. In second term looks for offer an only platform all over the world able to gather to the group of the jobs that configure the sector of the construction. And finally, although no less important, wants to offer a transversal approach to all the challenges that presents today the construction: accessibility, conditioning, energetic efficiency, sustainable construction, etc.

Stéphanie Auxenfans, director of the division Construction in Reed Exhibitions France
Stéphanie Auxenfans, director of the division Construction in Reed Exhibitions France.

Main thematic areas

One of the fundamental concepts on which will turn this triple contest is the one of the energetic efficiency, treating to give solutions to improve the energetic performance of the buildings, which are responsible of 40%, roughly, of the energetic consumption of a country. In the case of France, from the past 1 January 2013 all the buildings of new construction already have to be of low consumption and this is a process that is extending by other a lot of countries. They will offer proposed to improve the isolation, integrate the systems of renewable energies, etc. All this so much for new edificación as for rehabilitation since, as it signalled Stéphanie Auxenfans, estimates that in 2020 80% of the buildings of France will have his origin in the 20th century, arriving to energetic consumptions five upper times to which will provide buildings of new construction.

Another key subject in this edition of the fair will be the one of the accessibility, an appearance in which France shows some delay in front of countries like Germany but that earns increasingly importance. In fact, from 1 January 2015 all the open buildings to the public in France will have to fulfil a new rule that guarantees the accessibility for people with mobility reduced.

This concept of accessibility goes joined also to the of comfort, to the possibility to improve the quality of life of all the people. And in this sense, the fair will receive the last in domótica and in automation of processes.

The city and the urban space will have equally an important gap in Batimat 2013, as also it will have it all the related with the digital in the construction: BIM, new tools, etc.

In this strategy to take advantage of synergies, Batimat, Interclima+Elec and Idéo bain put in common many of his resources, as for example the conjoint international promotion that is doing of the three fairs or the creation of an only pass that allows to visit the three contests.

The edition of this year looks for to gather in a same space all the jobs of the construction
The edition of this year looks for to gather in a same space all the jobs of the construction.

Profile of the visitors

With a fully professional profile, 50% of the people that attend to Batimat are employers of the construction and installers. 30% corresponds to architects, responsible of offices of projects and promoters (prescriptores); 13% to the segment of the business and the distribution; and 7% are industrial.

Regarding the origin of the international visitors, in the edition of 2011, the first places occupied them, by this order, Morocco, Tunisia, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Algeria, Brazil, Portugal, Switzerland and Germany. It stands out the strong influence that exerts this fair in the countries of the Maghreb and the narrow relation that keeps Batimat from does years with the Brazilian market, that in the previous edition provided near of 2.000 visitors.

Sectors represented

According to the organisation of Batimat, the main sectors that are represented in the fair are the ones of structural work (material and structure); carpentry and closing (windows, faã§ades, glasses, doors, solar protection…); machinery for work, tooling and vehicles; zoom (conditioning, coatings, lighting…); and computer and new technologies.

In all these sectors the innovation will go back to constitute the heart of his offer expositiva, since this vocation for showing the last novelties of the market consolidates year after year like the main motivation for the assistance so much of display units as of visitors.

In fact, one of the strong dishes of Batimat 2013 will be his Contest of Innovation, that already in the previous edition of 2011 awarded 200 novelties of the 813 presented, an absolute record in the path of the contest.

This year, because of the conjoint celebration of Batimat, Interclima+Elec and Idéo bain, the Contest of Innovation will be opened to the three living rooms, and the proposals nominated will be presents in three spaces: one devoted to structural work/zoom and computer, another to the carpentry and closing and the last to the machinery for work and the tooling.

The energetic efficiency will be one of the big protagonists of this edition
The energetic efficiency will be one of the big protagonists of this edition.

Batimat In situ and Batimat off

Batimat Offers to his visitors the opportunity to know in depth 50 Parisian buildings of recent construction through two initiatives. In first term, prestigious architects will detail, by means of reports that will take place in the own fair, the materials chosen to do possible these projects, as well as the constructive process chosen in each one of them. These conferences, that complement with digital exhibitions, configure what the organisation has called ‘Batimat in situ'.

Later, the interested will have the opportunity to see closely these 50 buildings through visits guided by Paris. These buildings have been selected by his innovative character, by his architectural quality, by his conditioning and by his sustainability.

Program of conferences

Batimat Advances that the edition of this year will have a complete and attractor trucks program of conferences, with excellent catchwords like the Congress architecture & Cities that will present more than 30 projects and works of architects stood out; the Zoom Conférences, devoted to the thematic of Matter, Colour and Luz; and the Forum of Actuality of the Construction, that organises in collaboration with the Agency of the Quality in the Construction.

Besides, to international level, there are interesting initiatives in Batimat 2013 like that London was the city invited of honour, breaking with the tendency that came keeping up to now to give the leadership to a country (Brazil in 2011). This change has his justification in the intention that has the organisation to deepen in the planning and development urbanístico that had to realise the British capital to receive in 2012 the Olympic games.

Batimat Looks for to take advantage of synergies with the fairs Interclima+Elec and Idéo bain
Batimat Looks for to take advantage of synergies with the fairs Interclima+Elec and Idéo bain.

Also will devote a day to Germany, like example of sustainable development, and will organise a meeting titled ‘The big moments of the Maghreb' in which representatives of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia will speak of the opportunities that can find the professionals of the construction in his respective countries.

Intercima + Elec And Idéo bain

Of the two fairs that complement the offer of Batimat are worthy to stand out initiatives like the prizes Power Performance + architecture, in which it recognises the contribution of the architects to the energetic efficiency; you award them Smarthome, that rewards to installers, specialists in domótica and integradores artífices of exemplary works; and the ‘ModesDeBains', in which they will offer different technical answers to challenges centred in the design of bathrooms.

Adil Karim, director of Reed Exhibitions Marocco
Adil Karim, director of Reed Exhibitions Marocco.
Batimat Maroc

After the good results harvested in the two first appointments, Batimat Maroc will celebrate this year, of the 5 to 8 June in Casablanca (Morocco), a new edition centred in the conditioning of external/interiors and in the technical equipments (climatic and electrical engineering).

As it signalled Adil Karim, director of Reed Exhibitions Marocco, Morocco comes experienced remarkable growths during the last years (of 5% in 2010 and 2011, and of 3% in 2012), with a sector of the construction that grows to rhythms still greater (8% in 2011), what has carried him to have more than 60.000 companies of construction and near of one million employees.

Besides, of face to the future, exist big opportunities to keep growing since it exists a very ambitious project for the construction of 150.000 social houses to the year, and other 80.000 annual houses of half type. This added to the need to build new cities satellites in the big urban concentrations of the country, to the announced plan to create six new stations balnearias and to the need to work acutely in matter of renewal and rehabilitation of buildings, does that many have already put his looks in the Moroccan market.

With all this, from Batimat Maroc expects repeat the success of the past edition, where registered 8.123 visitors (Spain was the foreign country that more contributed in this sense), 150 display units (five of them Spanish) and a net surface of 3.500 m2.

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