Riel Chyc, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Riel Chyc, S.L.
Pol. Ind. El Forseguer, s/n
03460 Beneixamà (Alacant) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑965821505   +34‑965822576  
w:  www.rielchyc.com

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Riel Chyc, S.L.

Riel Chyc S.L. It is an industrial company of the sector of the decoration. It creates in July of 1973 and in his thirty-six years of activity has turned into one of the referents of the sector, innovando and adapting his structures to a so demanding world like the one of the fashion-home and facing the entrance to the market of the big skilled trades in ironingingmongery and bricolaje. All this has supposed strong investments to adapt his systems of manufacture and distribution to these new challenges.

The company has had an exporting vocation that has culminated with opening of subsidiaries in France, Great Britain and Portugal, with distributors in central America and east Europe and with some operations in the Maghreb and Middle East.

The bet by the quality has been also a signal of identity of Riel Chyc. With spirit to give to know this will to his customers, in 2006 obtains the certification of quality under the norm ISO 9001:2000, renewed in 2009 under the norm ISO 9001:2008.

The future poses important challenges derived of the globalisation of the economy, internet, and the entrance of emergent countries in the market of free competition. The strong capitalisation of the society allows to face this future with optimism.