C.R.D.O.P. Queso Zamorano - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
C.R.D.O.P. Queso Zamorano
Rua de Los Francos 18
49001 Zamora Spain

Cómo llegar

☎:  +34‑980530511  
🖷:  +34‑980530511
w:  www.quesozamorano.com
Cheese making

NOTA: Aunque hemos hecho esfuerzos razonables para comprobar la corrección de la ubicación de la empresa/entidad, no podemos garantizarla al 100%

C.R.D.O.P. Queso Zamorano

Realize of the cheese-making tradition in the Douro region in numerous archaeological remains, the oldest of which remind us to the copper age, more than 4,000 years ago. It is vessels called cheese or encellas, where it was left to drain the cheese.

The Romans also knew especially that of sheep and goat cheese making. Written sources speak of the importance of the sheep during the middle ages. Special mention deserves the rich oral tradition which is preserved in many towns Zamorano and that tell us about ways to make the cheese.

Races Churra and Castellana sheep are fed naturally by grazing making cheese from milk sanitarily controlled according to the CE regulations.