C.R.D.O. Queso Manchego - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
C.R.D.O. Queso Manchego
Av. Vino, s/n
13300 Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑926322666   +34‑620131847  
🖷:  +34‑926322712
w:  www.quesomanchego.es

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

C.R.D.O. Queso Manchego

Cheese Manchego is called minimum manchego cheese to the elaborate in the natural region of La Mancha, from milk of sheep La Mancha, with a maturation period of sixty days. Manchego cheese is made with milk from pasteurized sheep and artisan manchego cheese, with sheep's milk unpasteurized, from farms registered in the denomination of origin.

Manchego cheese is the product of a hard and extreme, climate that favours the growth of a very rustic vegetation, food a curious and ancient breed of sheep which are subject to very strict morphological and sanitary control. These features offer a unique cheese as a result. Although there is evidence that an attempt to develop in other places, inside and outside our country, it has been impossible to mimic as many and as old factors at the same time more borders of La Mancha.
A cheese with more than 2000 years history the first known cheese is that their manufacture and consumption date back many centuries before Christ. Although the methods that our ancestors used to develop this natural product are unknown, it is not risky assumed that its taste was very similar to the current. And its methods of manufacture, although archaic, would, certainly more than one point in common with the current.

Archaeological remains show that already in the bronze age was it made, in what is now known as the natural region of La Mancha, a sheep's milk cheese whose raw material came from a race that could be considered a predecessor to the current manchega sheep. This breed has survived over the centuries rooted to the Earth that has taken the name.

La Mancha was baptized by the Arabs as the Mansha or "land without water", name which perfectly describes the climatic hardness of this Spanish region.
In this environment, seemingly hostile to all kinds of animal and plant life, numerous plant species, grasses and legumes are mainly developed that form the basis of the power of the manchega sheep, adapted to this ecosystem since ancient times.or type of animal, or plant life develop numerous grasses and leguminous plant species mainly which formed the power base of the Manchego, sheep adapted to this ecosystem since ancient times.
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