Productos de Calidad Cañada Real, S.A. -

Cañada Real

Milk UHT with calcium: whole, desnatada and semidesnatada

Picture of Milk UHT with calcium
Milk with calcium and vitamins To,D,And and B12, subjected to the process UHT that guarantees a long length of the product, without refrigeration.

It contains 160 mg of calcium by litre of milk, pertinent of calcium of milk and without estabilizantes.

The daily consumption recommended of calcium for the adults is of 800 mg of calcium by day, but in determinate occasions is necessary a consumption of upper calcium.

The milk UHT whole, desnatada and semidesnatada with calcium is enriched with vitamins liposolubles To,D and And. The vitamin D plays an important paper in the absorption of the calcium. It is to stand out the cellular antioxidant power of the VITAMIN E.