Products de Quesos Artesanos de Letur, S.A. - Distributed products / services offered by Quesos Artesanos de Letur, S.A. -

  • Apricot jam
  • Blackberry jam
  • Cheese flan
  • Cheese of cow cream type
  • Cow yogurt
  • Custard
  • Ecobífidus of natural cow yogurt
  • Ecobífidus of natural goat yogurt
  • Fresh cow cheese
  • Fresh goat cheese
  • Goat ecobífidus nonfat yogurt
  • Goat yogurt
  • Milkshake of cinnamon and lemon
  • Milkshake of cocoa
  • Natural cow kefir
  • Natural goat kefir
  • Nonfat cow kefir
  • Nonfat cow yogurt
  • Nonfat yogurt of sheep
  • Pasteurized cow's milk
  • Pasteurized cow cheese
  • Pasteurized goat's milk
  • Pasteurized goat cheese
  • Pasteurized sheep's milk cheese
  • Raspberry jam
  • Raw milk cow cheese
  • Raw milk goat cheese
  • Rice pudding
  • Sheep's raw milk cheese
  • Sheep yogurt
  • Skimmed goat kefir
  • Skimmed goat yogurt
  • Soya chocolate custard
  • Soya vanilla custard
  • Vanilla milkshake
  • Yogurt L.Casei
  • Yogurt nonfat cow ecobífidus