Industria Quesera Cuquerella, S.L. - Quesos Rocinante - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Industria Quesera Cuquerella, S.L. - Quesos Rocinante
Ctra. de Toledo, s/n
13420 Malagón (Ciudad Real) Spain
☎:  +34‑926266410  
🖷:  +34‑926266413

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Industria Quesera Cuquerella, S.L. - Quesos Rocinante

In the heart of the natural region of Spain, La Mancha, was born I.

Family activity for more than half a century, have been acquiring the know-how and experience that has us been transmitted from generation to generation, from fathers to sons, and which undoubtedly gives our products exceptional qualities which distinguish them greatly from that found in the rest of the market.teas, our "Maese Miguel", with which abanderamos our expansion for the most demanding markets of our country and beyond our borders.

Family activity for more than half a century, have been acquiring the know-how and experience that has us been transmitted from generation to generation, from fathers to sons, and which undoubtedly gives our products exceptional qualities which distinguish them greatly from that found in the rest of the market. Thanks to a perfect balance between traditional processes, the most advanced technology and excellent levels of quality, always using the best raw materials, got to this show to our clients, at all times, the benefits of our product.

Our manufacturing includes a wide range of cheeses, such as the so-called Iberian (mixture of goat, cow and sheep milk), semi-matured and matured, pure goat, pure of sheep, goat, sheep to Rosemary, Semigraso and traditional cheese Madurado in Extra Virgin olive oil, very popular in our region. In addition, for years, we have been developing our line of portions and presentations for Catering and free service.

Finally, all this effort is pleasantly rewarded by the ever increasing number of loyal consumers who in Spain in more than 50 countries around the world, put their trust in our cheeses, and help us to work, day after day, our sole purpose: "The pleasure of the palate".