Garin Cobian, S.A. (Finca Cantarranas) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Garin Cobian, S.A. (Finca Cantarranas)
Finca Cantarranas
13195 Poblete (Ciudad Real) Spain
☎:  +34‑926690557  
🖷:  +34‑926219844

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Garin Cobian, S.A. (Finca Cantarranas)

Dairy products, since 1978 Cantarranas farm began its activity after deciding their owners process the milk, which was then sold in own farm both to individuals and to the dairy that distributed door to door with the typical jarillo.

In 1977 the farm won the title animal husbandry degree and health checked, which granted us permission to pack milk certified. The only way to obtain authorization, in those days, for packaging milk on a small scale was the production of quality demonstrated.

Certified milk is the title that grants the Ministry of agriculture to those livestock farms that packaged the milk on the farm, with its own facilities and delivery vehicles and that feed their cattle with agricultural products which are obtained in the same farm lands.

We constantly apply rigorous hygiene conditions both cattle and facilities. Our cows are controlled by a veterinary expert group on nutrition, which ensures daily that our animals are healthy and well fed.

The result is a closed cycle of production of milk and derivates, which is cultivated and harvested cereal feeding throughout the year to our cows are milked and the milk is to package it and deliver it in the trade, all our staff and our facilities, under strict control, looking for the total satisfaction of the client.

In 1977 started with some 40 cows and 60 have 1 truck deal, today we have some 200 cows at milking, 200 hectares of cultivation and 5 vans daily dealing our products.

Our philosophy is that each step of the cycle is important if we want to be the product of the highest quality, therefore we do all work with our people and machinery to so be sure that the result is optimal at each stage.

Link farming with cattle, and in turn to the manufacturing industry and its subsequent allocation to hypermarkets, supermarkets, stores and other sales channels is an activity that requires full dedication by all those who work at Finca Cantarranas.

Therefore, our greatest satisfaction is to know that we have their confidence when they consume our products.