Federación Castellano Leonesa de Industrias Lácteas - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Federación Castellano Leonesa de Industrias Lácteas
Panaderos, 4. 1º A
47004 Valladolid Spain
☎:  +34‑983397422  
🖷:  +34‑983308067
w:  www.quesosregiondelduero.es
Federación Castellano Leonesa de Industrias Lácteas

Speaking of cheese is speaking of Castilla y León.
Raw materials, knowledge make learned for centuries and the variety of dishes make this region a reference in quality cheeses.
Castilla y Leon is Spanish cheese.
Cheeses of this community are characterised by their excellence. Now, the Spanish cheese brand is born to certify its added value.
Spanish cheese is a guarantee of quality and origin.
The new certification guarantees the origin of the milk used, traceability, production process and the quality of the food.