Comercial Montsec, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Comercial Montsec, S.A.
Severo Ochoa, 36. Pol. Ind. Font del Radium
08403 Granollers (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑938498799  
🖷:  +34‑938498332
Manufacturer of dairy products frescos

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Comercial Montsec, S.A.

Commercial Montsec is a skilled company in the manufacture of dairy products frescos that also acts like distributor of a wide range of more than 400 references of destined products to the professionals of the confectionery, the hospitality industry, the ice cream parlour, the catering and caterings.
We have of own distribution in the provinces of Barcelona and Madrid, and have a big network of distributors in the rest of national territory. When being both skilled distributions in dairy products frescos, guarantee the chain of the cold, from the manufacture until the final consumer. Together with all our distributors and collaborators guarantee a personalised and professional attention to all our customers, as well as a service of daily distribution 24/48h.
Besides, we have of laboratory typical of control of quality, which allows us guarantee the best microbiological conditions and organolépticas of our products. Finally, stand out that ours greater activities are the agreements like co-packers of companies of big importance in the sector and the creation of products to measure for like this can offer to our industrial customers a product adjusted to his needs. Our technical advisers loan his help and professional vision to all the projects.

Delegation in Madrid: Bafra
Juan of the Cierva 2, ship 16 - Pol. Ind. Rompecubas
28340 VALDEMORO (Madrid)
Telephone 91 809 41