Agrovaldés, S.C.L. (Rebollin) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Agrovaldés, S.C.L. (Rebollin)
Pol. El Zarrin, Parcela 5-A
33891 La Espina (Salas) (Asturias) Spain
☎:  +34‑985837332   +34‑629442548  

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Agrovaldés, S.C.L. (Rebollin)

The artisan cheese Agrovaldés was founded as a section of the agricultural cooperative Agrovaldés S.C.L., which produce fodder for their livestock partners. The idea of building an artisanal cheese in order to give added value to the milk of its partners.

Farms which comes from the milk for the elaboration of our cheeses are found in the mountains of Asturias (Spain), taking advantage of the rich existing pastures to feed the cattle of the cooperative.

Rebollín is the brand name used for the marketing of products. The offer starts with the traditional Afuega´l Pitu. Cheese protected by the seal of approval of the regulatory Council of the dop and the brand of quality food of paradise.

Afuega´l Pitu is a fatty cheese, may be tender or cured, made with cow milk pasteurized from the area of reception in the dop production and healthy cows Frisian and Asturian of the valleys.