Cambra Oficial de Contractistes d'Obres de Catalunya (CCOC) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Cambra Oficial de Contractistes d'Obres de Catalunya (CCOC)
Pau Claris, 95
08009 Barcelona Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑934675286  
Camera officer of contractors works of Catalonia

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


The official Chamber of part d'Obres de Catalunya is a business organization, which gathers in a voluntary way to les builders empreses amb activity to Catalunya i habitualment contracten amb organismes publics.

The Chamber's part Té el seu origin in part l' Associació d'Obres Públiques de Catalunya founded the year 1912.
Between 1977 and the 1993 els seus Presidents have estat people books of business mon of the Catalan construction: in Jacint CALSINA i GISPERT, Josep PIERA i SALVADOR i Josep Maria Grau i GREOLES. l' stage Franco the Chamber will subsist com entität amb fons propis in the Yes of the "Union of entrepreneurs" of the "Trade Union Provincial de la constructionGlass and ceramics". The year 1977 i amb the Llei de Llibertat Union is going back to waiting recuperant the designation of 1931. At a later date, to 1991, is will suppress the "public" doncs also les empreses executen associades obres per contracte tant publics com privats promotors amb.

Between 1977 and the 1993 els seus Presidents have estat people books of business mon of the Catalan construction: in Jacint CALSINA i GISPERT, Josep PIERA i SALVADOR i Josep Maria Grau i GREOLES.

To 1993 an absolute majority d'empreses associades will choose a President per Executive full WBA Pornografía l'entitat i will be elegit per aquest càrrec in Rafael ROMERO i FERNANDEZ. In the month of May 1997 will be reelegit per a nou mandat of 4 years to end, per tant, year 2001.


Al voltant de 100 companies tot tipus, grans, petites i mitjanes, generalistes i especializadas. 45% Of the total members dels constitueixen empreses petites, 47% are companies mitjanes i 8% are grans empreses.

These companies will build l'any 2000 95% of obres les promogudes pel sector public in Catalonia (Generalitat, Councillor and Central Administration) i 35% of obres les Registrar, which fa that les empreses associades suposin, onwards, 50% of the total Catalan construction. Aquest important pes of the Chamber, in function that provide Fontaine socis, the converts in partner privilegiat i autoritzat in defending police dels interessos col·lectius of the sector.

L'organ govern is L'assemblea Sobirà formed General per the totalität of les empreses associades. Each quatre anys is fan elections per determine els the members of the Board of Directors which, in les seves reunions monthly, decideix la Gestió programme d' action aprovat per l'Assemblea ordinaria. The current composition of the Board of Directors are in annex.