Asociación Profesional de Ingeniería de Protección Contra Incendios (APICI) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Asociación Profesional de Ingeniería de Protección Contra Incendios (APICI)
Doctor Ezquerdo, 105
28007 Madrid Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑910020081  
🖷:  +34‑910020108
Association - protection against fires

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Entities and Organisms. APICI, is the Professional Association of Engineering of Protection against Fires. It was constituted and registered in the Ministry of Work on 22 January 1997 (according to record of constitution), in his statutes (in phase of review) remain reflected the fields and criteria of performance and conditions of association and management of APICI.

APICI Constitutes like a professional association with which can represent to those who develop his professional activity in the field of the engineering of protection against fires.

His main aim is to create a common forum of information, learning and debate on the subjects of common interest for our profession, serving of speaker between this community and the other institutions and groups related. Of this form, pretends to promote the suitable and ethical practice of the engineering of protection against fires and his affine areas.

The Association supports the development of activities related with his main aim, organised by other entities, whose performance and procedures of performance share the criteria of ethical, honesty, clarity and efficiency that fulfils and pursues APICI. Equally, it shares the interest of other associations to create committees of discussion and creation of norms in the subjects of hygiene against fires like method of advance in these matters further of the last technology.

For the correct fill of the aims of APICI regarding the information, learning and debate of the subjects of protection against fires, the collaboration and implication of his associated, affiliated and rest of professionals interested in these subjects, is fundamental through the sending of his opinions, articles, publications, knowledge of subjects of interest. The Association pretends to be an active and participatory body where all have his plot of performance in which develop the common interests already described.