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The PVC-Or is a material chemically inactivo in front of all the present chemicals in the nature

Pipe TOM of Molecor: new diameters and big efficiency

Editorial Interempresas09/05/2012

9 May 2012

The pipes TOM are the perfect solution for the management of the resources hídricos available because of his long useful life and to that the escapes of water reduce to an insignificant level, presenting as the ideal tool for the management of the resources of waters during generations. His channelling for the transport of water to pressesure are increasingly extended by the world.

The pipes TOM of Molecor leading sound in the market by the efficiency and efficiency that contribute in the transport of water to pressesure. They are done of PVC Oriented, presenting a structure laminar that confer them a big resistance. They are chemically homogéneas and resistant to the corrosion, therefore, unalterable and indegradables, by what do not exist migrations of the material to the water that transport, keeping like this his intact quality. Also they are 100% recyclable and contribute to the sustainability of the planet by his lower energetic consumption and of broadcasts of CO2 associated to his cycle of life.

I gather of pipes TOM of Molecor
I gather of pipes TOM of Molecor.

New diameters of 500 and 630 mm

The technology of molecular orientation, patented to world-wide level, allows to manufacture pipes of nominal diameters of 500 and 630 mm, converting to Molecor in the first manufacturer in the world of this type of channelling, since up to now the available range in the market only arrived to diameter 400 mm.

The process of molecular orientation, in addition to improving of important form the mechanical properties of the tube, produces a decrease of the thickness of the wall of the same. Of this form, the pipes have a lower weight and this does that they can be manipulated and installed more easily. Considering all these appearances, the pipe TOM of PVC-Or is the best solution for the transport of water to average and high pressesure.

Thanks to these new available diameters, the pipe of Molecor is an excellent solution in works of big diameters in which up to now it did not have fit.

Complete estanqueidad of the unions

The complete estanqueidad of the unions of the tubes is due to the elastic board of big quality used and to the perfect design of the glasses of the pipes TOM of PVC-Or. In addition to facilitating the setting of the tubes and increase the performance of installation, avoid escapes of the water piped.

Detail of board of estanqueidad
Detail of board of estanqueidad.

By this reason, the pipe of PVC-Or is the best ally in the saving of resources hídricos and, unlike installed networks in other materials, in which by chemical degradation can produce important escapes of the water piped and even, cause that it was necessary to realise the replacement of the canalisation in few years, the pipes TOM are the perfect tool for the management of the resources hídricos available during generations.

Why the PVC-Or is the perfect material to transport water to pressesure?

The PVC-Or is a material chemically inactivo in front of all the present chemicals in the nature, by what does not be necessary to concern of the type of floor where go to go buried the pipe. This attains to avoid problems of degradation of the material that would suppose escapes of water or, what is worse, the leak of substances to the interior of the same, altering like this the quality and purity of the water.

Thanks to that the material does not see altered chemically, remains intact and is totally immune to the corrosion. The PVC-Or is a material homogéneo, that does not carry neither coatings neither protections catódicas that yes could degrade and reduce the useful life of the pipe in case of desprendimiento or bad operation.

The character excepcionalmente smooth of the inner wall of the pipes of supply of water manufactured in PVC-Or favours the flow and limits the eventual tanks that could hinder it. For the transport of drinkable water, these properties are indispensable to preserve his quality, since this could see altered if the tanks incrustados went dragged by the fluid. In the transport of another type of waters, these tanks when giving off could produce failures in elements of the network, as it can be the case of obstruction of pumps. It is checked that in the pipes of PVC-Or does not produce any migration of the components of the pipe to the fluid that transports, by what can ensure that the quality of the water remains intact.

In all the cases, this does that the discharge of circulation of the fluid keep constant during all his useful life, with what do not produce losses of capacity of transport in the network.

Installation of DN500 in one resolves
Installation of DN500 in one resolves.

Related Companies or Entities

Molecor Tecnología, S.L.

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