
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at 17ª Convención Anual de Anapat: 'El poder de la colaboración'
Madrid received on 29 September this traditional meeting of the alquiladores of Platforms Elevadoras Mobiles of Personal (Pemp)

17ª Annual Convention of Anapat: 'The power of the collaboration'

Antonio Married, general secretary of Anapat (National Association of Alquiladores of Aerial Platforms of Work)10/10/2011

10 October 2011

In hardly 20 years, the aerial platform has happened to be a stranger in the Spanish market, to a fundamental team to the hour to execute with security the works in height. With the intention to defend the interests of the companies alquiladoras that explain in his fleets with these machines, in November of 1993 was born the association Anapat, that between other measures organises/organizes all the years an assembly/convention in which the professionals of the sector put in common his problematic and possible solutions. The appointment of this year explained once again with speakers of prestige, in this occasion with the consultor international and ex-president of Hertz, Dan Kaplan, and with the 'coach' Jorge Saltworks.

Are already more than 17 years of “collaboration” between all the companies of the sector, to achieve that the Pemp have turned into a generally accepted product for the realisation/realization of the works in height by his flexibility of use and his security for the workers.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: José María Marsal, president of Anapat, Antonio Married, general secretary of Anapat, Jorge Juan Ferrando, technician of projects in Anapat, and Elisabeth Vargas, responsible of administration in Anapat.

Have achieved important attainments to improve the legal and normative context with the end to guarantee the security in the utilisation/utilization of the Pemp, as it JOINS it-58921-IN, and follow working now in the project of norm to regulate the training of operators.

Are tens of thousands the Pemp that are working each day in our national territory and this is a very big responsibility that can not neglect. The machines have to keep properly and the training and information of the operators has to be an aim ineludible.

This year have chosen for the slogan of the convention a very interesting concept that does not appear usually in the aims of the associations and is the one of “collaboration”, in the sense of “action and effect to collaborate”. According to the Royal Spanish Academy (SCRAPE), “collaborate” defines like “working with another or other people in the realisation/realization of a work”. It seems evident that if a company associates to a business community is to participate in his development but is not so evident that collaborate because, according to his definition, collaborate involves to work and therefore, represents a greater implication in the day in day out of the association.

In Anapat the associated “collaborate”, that is to say work in the realisation/realization of the aims of the association elbow with elbow with the personnel of the same, and without the participation of the professionals of the companies associated had not been possible to advance in the projects. Thanks to his experiences and knowledges have been able to achieve aims of utility for the companies. The knowledge of the day in day out of the companies and of his problematic concrete allows us work in useful projects and not devoting an important time in others totally useless for the associated.

Moment of the intervention of Jorge Saltworks during the 17ª Convention of Anapat, celebrated in the Hotel Confortel Alcalá North...
Moment of the intervention of Jorge Saltworks during the 17ª Convention of Anapat, celebrated in the Hotel Confortel Alcalá North.

This year have done an important effort to hire to two speakers that could contribute useful knowledges for the taking of decisions in the companies for hire. It is the moment of the details, to step mud or to “touch iron”, as it says Dan Kaplan in his book. If we do not handle properly the concepts of profitability and quality of service in our activity many of our companies will not survive and the sector will remain very damaged.

The collaboration of both speakers, Dan Kaplan and Jorge Saltworks, has contributed us two good approaches from distinct points of view to improve the management of the companies for hire in front of an increasingly competitive market. We have to manage our companies for hire with criteria of profitability that ensure us the survival in the future, offering a service of quality.

Are in a new “crossing”, in which it is necessary to take decisions to follow the suitable way. If up to now the “collaboration” between all the companies of the sector has allowed us achieve big attainments, that have done that the Pemp have happened to be an unknown team to the beginning of the ninety, to a product consolidated in these moments, also has to be the key to surpass this difficult situation in which we can shatter many of these attainments, leaving totally desprestigiado our sector, so much professionally as regarding the security of the users. This is a moment critical and have to take the measures so that it was a turning point and go back to situate the rent of Pemp in the place that corresponds him.

José María Marsal, president of Anapat, in a moment of his intervention during the convention
José María Marsal, president of Anapat, in a moment of his intervention during the convention.

Want to appreciate to the sponsors of the 17ª Convention of Anapat his support, want to “collaborate” with them constantly, considering them part of our grouping. We have they to improve day in day out the sector of the rent of Pemp, offering better machines and safer, the most suitable insurances, a better knowledge of our customers and an efficient management of the information. In definite, a service of the best possible quality.

Want to follow advancing in Anapat so that each associated receive a return of knowledges and services that help him in the management of his company in the day in day out and that it was the result of the effort of all and of 'the power of the collaboration'.

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Asociación Nacional de Alquiladores de Plataformas Aéreas de Trabajo

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